[Boatanchors] Using a Globe V-10 with a CE 20-A?

doc at kd4e.com doc at kd4e.com
Tue May 24 20:53:24 EDT 2011

 > How nuts might it get to try to modify a Globe Electronics
 > V-10 VFO to work with a Central Electronics 20-A?

I just started to look at the project and it looks ugly ...

I believe that this is what the CE 20-A wants:

1.8	7.2 or 10.8
2.0	7.0 - 11.0

3.5	5.5 or 12.5
3.8	5.2 or 12.8
4.0	5.0 or 13.0

7.0	16.0 or 5.333.3 x 3
7.2	16.2 or 5.4 x 3
7.3	16.3 or 5.433.3 x 3

14.0	5.0 or 23.0
14.2	5.2 or 23.2
14.3	5.3 or 23.3

21.0	12.0 or 30.0
21.45	12.45 or 30.45

28.0	37.0  (If the difference is 9MHz why not 19MHz VFO?)
28.5	37.5  (19.5 VFO?)
29.7	38.7  (20.7 VFO?)

I think these modified outputs from the V-10 may work:

CE 20-A Band   VFO Primary & Multiplied Output
1.8 - 2.0 MHz  1.75 - 2.0 MHz x3 + x2 = 10.5 - 12 MHz

3.5 - 4.0 MHz  1.75 - 2.0 MHz x3 = 5.25 - 6.0 MHz

7.0 - 7.3 MHz  1.77 - 1.81 MHz x3 = 5.333 - 5.433 MHz
[V-10 Stock is: 7.0 - 7.425 MHz for 40M]

14.0 - 14.3 MHz  7.667 - 7.767 MHz x3 = 23.0 - 23.3 MHz
[V-10 Stock is: 7.0 - 7.175 MHz for 20M]

21.0 - 21.45 MHz  7.5 - 7.6125 MHz x3 = 30.0 - 30.45 MHz
7.0 - 7.175 MHz for 15M

28.0 - 29.7 MHz  6.333 - 6.95 MHz x3 = 19.0 - 20.7 MHz
[Was: 7.0 - 7.425 MHz for 10M]

These would require significant changes to the tuned
circuits of the VFO - which would breach the tracking
of the dial.

Since the VFO is designed for a straight-through AM/CW
transmitter I suppose one could, rather, add a mixer
stage for the necessary offset, between the VFO and CE


Thanks! & 73, KD4E
David Colburn http://kd4e.com
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