[Boatanchors] FS Beautiful ETO Alpha 78

Charlie Hugg k5mbx at sbcglobal.net
Sun Nov 20 12:48:22 EST 2011


FS Beautiful ETO Alpha 78 bandpass

160-10m Amp. Hypersil transformer. 

It has the 3CX800A7 tubes mod and

the low drive mods done by R.L. 

Howard. It puts out full legal

limit at 70 to 80 watts drive

depending on band. I can send

pictures if you're interested. Very

nice inside/outside, electrically

perfect. It has been in lite

smoking environment. Very slight

oder. Will ship in three boxes, rf

deck, tubes and the transformer

Price is $2650 plus shipping. 

Thanks, Charlie Hugg, K5MBX .


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