[Boatanchors] WOW--WOW--WOW

pmarkavage at juno.com pmarkavage at juno.com
Sat Oct 1 20:32:05 EDT 2011

Maybe in Gonset's case, when they initially brought out the Communicator
Series (actually there were several, Communicator and Communicator
Deluxe: 2M 6V, 12V, 6M, 6V, 12V and each one had their own individual 4
digit #3XXX model number ), there were no forward looking plans to bring
out any future Communicator Series of rigs. With many companies, how
equipment branding is developed and handled has always been an internal
mystery act. Collins is probably no exception. 

Pete, wa2cwa

On Sat, 1 Oct 2011 16:39:56 -0400 "Emil Dular" <WD4SCZ at aol.com> writes:
> Now I am curious.  Why would the dataplate say 51J-1? Wouldn't the 
> first
> bunch all be 51J's until there was a -2?  Like Gonset Communcators?  
> There
> are Commincator II's III's even IV's, but only plain Communicators 
> no
> Communcator 1?
> Unless 51J-1's and 51J-2's overlapped in production I would expect 
> 51J's and
> 51J-2. Who knows for sure?
> Emil

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