[Boatanchors] FS: RTTY converters

George Babits gbabits at custertel.net
Wed Oct 12 14:43:51 EDT 2011

I have a set of older solid state RTTY units.  One is a receiver 
demodulator, the other an AFSK tone generator for transmitting.  They look 
like a home brewed version of the ST-6 design of the 70's.  Each unit will 
do either 170 cps or 850 cps shift as there are actually 2 complete setups 
for both transmit and receive.  The panels are a little bent but will 
straighten out without much trouble.   Perfect for getting that Model 28 or 
15 clattering again.  Email for pictures.  Sell the pair for $50.00 plus 
Thanks for looking,

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