[Boatanchors] [Glowbugs] SPOTTED: GONSET G-76

Bry Carling bcarling at cfl.rr.com
Tue Feb 28 19:34:43 EST 2012

Ah "hybrid modules" - the bane of the 1970s! A lot of companies used those in organs and 
other gadgets I serviced back then. Those secret, "Giant Integrated Circuits" before the tiny 
DIPs on 0.1" centres were invented, or in widespread use. If one died you were almost dead 
in the water. Seems like Lowrey used them. Maybe for oscillators or keying switches. 
I worked as a test engineer for a company that used PHILBRICKS in some pretty fine signal 
recovery equipment in the very early 1970s, and they also made their own "ICs" using two 
pieces of PC board spaced about 1" apart with vertical wires and parts in between them, to 
form a cube of components. Tricky stuff. Once they potted those things you were left to your 
imagination to figure out the differential amplifiers, comparators, summing amplifiers and 
other mystery circuits inside! Give me tubes any day!

73 de AF4K, Bry

On 28 Feb 2012 at 17:17, Paul Mateer wrote:

Wish I still had mine! The RX went out and it was that hybred module in it I think

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 5:12 PM, Bry Carling <bcarling at cfl.rr.com> wrote:
> Some of you AM buffs have stated on here in times past h that you would love
> to get your hands on the only Amateur Commercially-manufactured, Multiband
> AM Transceiver.
> I know this is short notice, but ther eis one right now on THAT BAY PLACE,
> about to close in 50 minutes.
> Item number:170788268409
> I just hope this helps someone here. have NO INTEREST in this sale
> whatsoever, and I will not benefit at all financially.
> 73 - Bry, AF4K
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Paul Mateer, AA9GG
Elan Engineering Corp.
NAQCC 3123, SKCC 4628, FPQRP 2003

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