[Boatanchors] Free for postage: docs

Bry Carling bcarling at cfl.rr.com
Wed Feb 29 14:34:13 EST 2012

Thanks guys - these have all been taken.

73 - Bry, AF4K

On 29 Feb 2012 at 13:25, Bry Carling wrote:

Free for postage: docs

SBE - Sideband Engineers SB1-DCP manual (4 pages)

Heathkit SM-114A prescaler

QSK-1500 from Design Electronics - linear amp QSK circuit, ops manual
QSK-1500 from Design Electronics QSK - Service and technical manual

Standard Communications C146A HT ops manual 11 pages, with charger leaflet.
Standard Communications C146A HT service manual, 43 pages

Knightkit 50 Watt transmitter manual (copy.)

Icom IC260A - large glossy print of circuit boards layout.

You pay only for the postage and a manilla envelope.

73 - Bry, AF4K


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