[Boatanchors] FS: TRM-1 Test Set

George Babits gbabits at custertel.net
Sat Jun 23 17:50:33 EDT 2012

I have an AN/TRM-1 test set.  This is a signal generator and VTVM; maybe 
does other things too.  Kind of a military "do it all" test set.   Has most 
of the accessories with it, including the power plug and cover.  Looks to be 
in reasonable shape, but not tested.  Sell the whole thing for $50 plus 
shipping.  This is heavy, probably 50 or 60 pounds.   I'd like to sell this 
as a set, but will consider selling the accessories  seperately and parting 
it out if anyone needs bits and pieces.
Thanks for looking,

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