[Boatanchors] Opinions sought on Harvey Wells TBS-50C

Wally Gibbons wally.gibbons at gmail.com
Sun Mar 11 22:37:37 EDT 2012

Just acquired one of these in quite good condition. This is the C version
with the modulator and 6L6's.
Only one modification I can see, it's got a SO-239 installed for RF output,
and someone took out the 6L6's. No sweat, I have quite a few of those
around here.

However, before I build up a power supply for this, I wanted to get
opinions on the usefulness of this transmitter.
Is the power output "respectable" meaning can one expect to make contacts
with 25 watts AM? And how about audio quality?
Not having carbon microphones lying about, I'd probably have to make a
small microphone amp to drive the 6L6's with.
I'd probably use it on 80 meters. My antenna is a huge horizontal loop fed
with a Johnson matchbox.

Is this little rig a waste of time, and would I be better off devoting
effort into getting my DX-100 restoration done, and get that on the air

Comments and opinions most welcome....

Wally Gibbons, WB7ASQ
North Logan, Utah

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