[Boatanchors] A couple transformers on 'that place' UTC S-70, Triad P-7

William Morton w_b_morton at hotmail.com
Sun Sep 16 09:43:46 EDT 2012

Hello All,

Normally I would do a 'waste not, want not' offer for the occasional piece of useful electronic stuff but I need to plan for my kids' college tuition.

UTC S-70 twin 6.3V, 5A secondaries.  This auction has about 13 hours left (as of Sunday 16 Sept, 8:30 am central):  http://www.ebay.com/itm/261097161547
A few lookers, but not one bid as yet.  Opening price is $24.95, which I thought was pretty reasonable. 

Triad P-7 Plate transformer.  http://www.ebay.com/itm/261097589511  This one is really pretty.  Has 1235 VCT, 250 mA and 5 V, 4 A outputs.  Again, a few lookers but no bids and the starting price is $24.95.  

Maybe someone out there is working on a power supply...

Best Regards,



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