[Boatanchors] Spoken For: FW: Any Interest? Vintage Raytheon Transistor Applications Catalog

William Morton w_b_morton at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 16 08:22:12 EDT 2013

Hello All,

Thank you for all the interest in the book.  I am happily surprised by all of the responses.

The book has been spoken for.

Best Regards,


From: w_b_morton at hotmail.com
To: boatanchors at puck.nether.net
Subject: Any Interest?  Vintage Raytheon Transistor Applications Catalog
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 04:11:10 +0000

Hello All,

I have a Raytheon Transistor Applications catalog/magazine having 'More than 50 Practical Circuits using Raytheon CK722 Transistors.'

Some of the projects are:
Transistor Receiver
Regenerative Transistor Receiver
Transistor Phono Oscillator
Transistor Dot Maker
Transistor Audio Frequency and Voltage Standard

Cover is card stock that is in good shape with typical shelf wear.  No major creases, pages are good.  Hint of an old HAM shack storage scent.  Lots of pictures and diagrams.  Some reference pages at the end.  116 pages.

Could not find a date of publication, but I am guessing it is late 1950's.

$10 gets it mailed to you via media mail in a new padded envelope.  Not sure if it's worth more - you can let me know if it is.  :)

Best Regards,



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