[Boatanchors] Handy Site for Transformer Descriptions

pmarkavage at juno.com pmarkavage at juno.com
Sun Jul 28 14:36:08 EDT 2013

Harbach Electronics no longer has the transformer business.

Peter W. Dahl Transformers Live On 

Hammond Manufacturing Takes Over Manufacturing & Sales
22 February 2013: A purchase agreement has been signed and executed with
Hammond Manufacturing Company, Inc. of Cheektowaga, New York to acquire
the Peter Dahl line of products from Harbach Electronics, LLC.
Finalization of the acquisition and transfer of assets has taken place
and was completed on March 29, 2013. The main contact person at Hammond
Manufacturing Company, Inc. is:
Mark Mercer
Tel: +1 (716) 630-7030
Fax: +1 (716) 630-7042
e-mail: mmercer at hammfg.com

On Sun, 28 Jul 2013 13:42:52 +0000 William Morton
<w_b_morton at hotmail.com> writes:
> Hello All,
> Not sure if I sent this out before or not so, at the risk of 
> duplicating an earlier message, I will send it now.
> http://www.harbachelectronics.com/_mgxftp/pwdbcast/PWDBCAST.HTML#T
> This site is for a company that rewinds transformers or makes them 
> to order.  I have never ordered anything from them, but the site 
> helped me find the details on a transformer a few years back.  
> I came across this site once more in my search for the details on a 
> vintage RCA transformer - and unfortunately the numbers stamped on 
> the bells are not found in that site.
> (If anyone has a 'master list' of RCA power/interstage/ouput/choke 
> transformers, I would love to have access...)
> Best Regards,
> William

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