[Boatanchors] APN-9A Very Rare LORAN-A Manual Copies Available

COURYHOUSE at aol.com COURYHOUSE at aol.com
Mon May 13 18:23:33 EDT 2013

Good  Score!   but if  you are  going  to   have it processed   made a  
pdf.    printed copies can always be made later  but the  file  guarantees  
propagation out  though out the community  Ed#
In a message dated 5/13/2013 2:14:00 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,  
jfor at quikus.com writes:

As you  may know, some time ago, I acquired an all-but-mythical APN-9A
LORAN-A  receiver/Indicator.

This is not the common APN-9 LORAN-A, but is a  hybrid (analog/digital)
version built for the B-36 bomber. Very few were  built and documentation
is just about non-existant.

I have been very  generously lent a copy of the Handbook of Operating
Instructions (AN  16-30APN9-6) and the Handbook of Maintenance Instructions
(AN 16-30APN9-7)  plus some manuals on the Antenna Couplers. This is very
likely the only  documentation extant on the set.

I am going to make a high quality  Xerox copy of the manual, but, since it
is little extra effort to make  additional copies at the same time, I'm
willing to make additional copies  at Staples cost + postage.


This is a one time only offer.  It has to be manually fed.
I do not own the original.
I am offering  anything but Xeroxs of the original.
The copies will be two-sidede, like  the original.
Oversized sheets will be copied in one piece,  oversized.
I'd expect the copying cost to be under $50.
Only the  complete manuals are available.

If you are interested, please contact  me off-list ONLY, before next  




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