[Boatanchors] Waste Not Want Not: Qty 2 7034/4X150A Tubes

William Morton w_b_morton at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 6 00:29:20 EST 2013

Hello All,

I have two 7034 tubes, one is labelled Amperex and the other looks to be Eimac but has no labeling.

These are mounted in Eimac sockets with white ceramic collars and include circular clamps for the anode connections.  The sockets are the style that allow proper airflow for cooling.

Right now the tubes are mounted in the sockets and are on the small frame in which they were originally installed.  I can ship them this way, or take them off the frame.  I also have the 'box' that mounts under the tubes that has one side open for butting up against the output of a cooling fan.  I could ship that as well.

Here is the caveat:  I am not sure if these are functional tubes.  They are from a piece of test equipment that has been sitting idle for years.

Any interest out there?  They could be yours for $5 plus the cost of shipping.  If they are worth any more than that, I would request the difference be donated to a legitimate charity.

Best Regards,


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