[Boatanchors] Spoken For: FW: Waste Not Want Not: IN1369A Silicon Diodes

William w_b_morton at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 7 22:54:33 EDT 2014

Hello All,
A new home has been found!  Thanks for all the replies.
Best Regards,

From: w_b_morton at hotmail.com
To: boatanchors at puck.nether.net
Subject: Waste Not Want Not:  IN1369A Silicon Diodes
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2014 01:41:47 +0000

Hello All,
I have 2 boxes containing qty 5 IN1369A silicon diodes from North American Electronics, Inc.  They are in their original packaging, with a packing date of 3/61.  I did open the outside box of one set just to see what was inside.  Sure enough, there were qty 5 IN1369A silicon diodes, each individually packaged with washers in a smaller box.
Anyone want them?  I believe I can just put an address label on the outside boxes and mail them straightaway.  Don't know how much the postage would be, but I would expect $4 for one set of 5 (including postage) should cover it.
Vintage!  Shiny!  Packed to perfection at less than $1 a piece!  You know you could use them somewhere....
Thanks for your interest.
Best Regards,

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