[Boatanchors] 2C39 Tubes

Jim Simmons orion at datasync.com
Sat Apr 19 21:18:47 EDT 2014

If you have an old (from the early 50's) rack mounted RCA CW-20A 
microwave transmitter it uses them as the finals.  That's the only thing 
I have ever seen that used them.


On 4/19/2014 6:15 PM, qrv at kd4e.com wrote:
> I read that 4 of them (if you have sockets) might make a good
> HF or 6m amp using a modded sweep tube amp.
> $2. - $3. each nos or tested good as I recall.
> David KD4E
>> Hi Wilson,
>>      I suspect not, I've got some, too.  Want some more?
>>      Good to see you today, but you didn't stick around.  Had a few
>> words with Mac.  I know, both off to get some barbeque?   ;-)
>> 73,
>> Al, W8UT
>> www.boatanchors.org
>> www.hammarlund.info
>> "There is nothing -- absolutely nothing -- half so much
>> worth doing as simply messing about in boats"
>> Ratty, to Mole
>> On 4/19/2014 6:50 PM, Wilson wrote:
>>> Worth anything?
>>> Came back from hamfest with a handfull of them.
>>> Worth anything?
>>> Wilson
>>> W4BOH

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