[Boatanchors] SP-600 Restoration

Bob Jackson bob145 at suddenlink.net
Wed Jul 16 22:22:00 EDT 2014

I have a friend (Seriously, not myself!) with a J21 model (I think) that he may wish to have 'made right'. It is in 'working order' but with low sensitivity and sticky, i.e. not smooth, tuning. RF alignment, I'm told, is spot on. If swapping a few tubes and some general dusting off/out doesn't help, he'll be looking for someone who's ready, willing and able, etc. to make it 'right'. In this case, 'right' means fully functional in the manner and means it was intended to operate with but without cosmetic refurbishment. I will happily pass along any/all suggestions made to me (off list, please) for him to follow up on.

Thanks and 73 to all,

Bob  AG5X

PS Yes, he understands that shipping a '600 is a severe task in every respect. 

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