[Boatanchors] Waste Not Want Not: Pair Western Electric 316A / VT-191

William w_b_morton at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 6 23:10:06 EDT 2014

Hello All,

Anyone need a couple of these?  One has a large area of dark, one has a smaller area but looks to be 'peeling' in a small arc-shaped area.

Printing is pretty good with the 'VT-191' having thicker ink and brighter color than the Western Electric details, pins are straight, no cracks or rattles.

These will be shipped via USPS Parcel Select, securely packed.  $12 via PayPal to w_b_morton at hotmail.com should cover the cost of a new box and postage.  If they are worth more feel free to donate the difference to a worthy charity.

Best Regards,


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