[Boatanchors] Question from an admitted 'Newbie'

LM Picard lmpicard at rogers.com
Thu Sep 4 19:49:03 EDT 2014

I move this to be the official definition of "boat anchor."

Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 4, 2014, at 6:44 PM, Bruce Long via Boatanchors <boatanchors at puck.nether.net> wrote:
> What makes a boat anchor a boat anchor?
> Well picture a small one person wooden row boat, a length of rope, a 10 knot moderate wind and a lee short.  The boat operator ties the rope to the candidate boat anchor and throws it over board having first attached the bitter end of the rope to the boat gunnel.  If the rowboat stops drifting towards shore the object at the end of the rope is a boat anchor.
> Yes I have always been rather literally minded.  Why do you ask?
> So tube receivers, military surplus receivers, big iron beasts of uncertain origin all make the grade of boat anchor.  Transistor receivers generally are not boat anchors  but if they are big enough and heavy enough might well make the grade.  A transistorized HQ170 would obviously qualify for BA membership, a HRO-500 well maybe with a long rope and a muddy bottom.
> Arc-5 type WW2 receivers are in my estimate marginal boat anchors but have been grandfathered into boat anchor status in honor of their stellar military service and by their close association with their big brothers who are full fledged members of the boat anchor clan. There is some allowance for nepotism in deserving circumstances you understand.
> I hope this explanation answers many questions and makes clear the simple, rational, but yet sometimes obscure topics of BA entomology and genealogy.
> Always happy to assist a newbie in their search for BA knowledge.
> bruce  KJ3Z
> ________________________________
> From: Wilson <infomet at embarqmail.com>
> To: Bob Jackson <bob145 at suddenlink.net>; porch.boat <boatanchors at theporch.com>; puck.boat <boatanchors at puck.nether.net>; qth.boat <boatanchors at mailman.qth.net> 
> Sent: Thursday, September 4, 2014 6:20 PM
> Subject: Re: [Boatanchors] Question from an admitted 'Newbie'
> Tubes.
> WL
> -----Original Message----- 
> From: Bob Jackson
> Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2014 6:07 PM
> To: porch.boat ; puck.boat ; qth.boat
> Subject: [Boatanchors] Question from an admitted 'Newbie'
> Is there any kind of general consensus on exactly what is or isn't a 
> 'boatanchor'? I'm a 72 yo and BAs to me are the post-WW2 tubes sets made for 
> the commercial (vice military) market on up to the advent and eventual 
> dominance of the so-called 'solid state' rigs. It seems clear to me that 
> others' definitions go back to a somewhat earlier time and do include 
> re-cycled military gear. What is the general consensus, please.
> Bob AG5X
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