[Boatanchors] "Working" NC-190 For Sale

Bob Jackson bob145 at suddenlink.net
Fri Sep 12 12:42:40 EDT 2014

Recently, a 'parts' NC-190 followed me home. On a whim, I put it on the variac and Viola! the things actually works - BUT - there is a problem. The band spread shaft is broken/sheared off at the face plate. Tuning is by is by needle-nosed pliers. Other than that, it's not a bad looking set. Knobs are the wrong color and the two big knobs are warped. I had to rob it of its 0B2 VR for another set but otherwise it's all there. Comes with a DIY SS 100 KHz calibrator that also works. I had planned to part it out but I hate to do that to a working set, even a somewhat 'rough' one like this. So, it's on the block to anyone that might want it for $75 plus S&H. 

Bob AG5X

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