[Boatanchors] WTB: Atwater Kent 20 TRF receiver

Glen Zook gzook at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 17 14:03:39 EDT 2014

I heard absolutely nothing on the first petition, submitted over 2-years ago, from the FCC.  I submitted it again a couple of months ago and have not heard anything about that petition.

I did E-Mail a copy of the petitions to the ARRL and have not received any reply from that organization.  Since the ARRL did not submit the petition, I doubt that they will support the idea.  Of course, if the petition is fruitful, then the ARRL will try to take credit for the result.
Glen, K9STH 

Website:  http://k9sth.net

On Tuesday, September 16, 2014 11:28 PM, LM Picard <lmpicard at rogers.com> wrote:

Any word on progress toward a 4 meter band for the US?

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