[Boatanchors] AN/PRA-6

Chuck j-mcclurg at sbcglobal.net
Fri Apr 17 14:52:38 EDT 2015


I have one of these Antennas and have been looking for info on it.  It is a "beam" antenna use with the 30-76 Mhz Radio Sets.  Only info I can
find is a CECOM report on it dated September 1965.  I do not know how to get it from the CECOM site as it only shows the Title.

The Report Title shows a "Antenna Group AN/PRA-93 (HF) and Antenna Group AN/PRA-6 (VHF)" but I cannot find the Document on line.

Does anyone have any info on it or possibley another one?  I think I can it installe for use, but it would be nice to see if all the parts are there!! 


Chuck McClurg 
SSg (R'td)

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