[Boatanchors] F.S. Lot of electronic testing and troubleshooting books

Patrick Marineau wb8ybf at gmail.com
Sun Aug 9 14:03:34 EDT 2015

1.  Electronic troubleshooting - Philco Technical Institute.
2.  Electronic Technician's Handbook - Grolle
3.  Easy Way to Service Radio Receivers - Sams
4.  Troubleshooting with the oscilloscope - Sams
5.  How to repair old time radios - Hallmark
6.  Rapid Printed Circuit Repair - Heath
7.  How to Fix Transistor radios - Lane
8.  How to test almost everything electronic - Darr
9.  Trouble tracing AC-DC radio receivers - Wiseman
10. Dial Cord stringing Guide (1938-1947) - Sams
11. Practical Auto Radio Service - Greenfield
12.TM 11-664 Theory and use of electronic test equipment.
13. Electronic Test equipment handbook - Risse
14.Elementary Radio Servicing -Wellman
15.TM 11-4000 Troubleshooting and Repair of Radio Equipment.
All 15 books are in good to exc. condition.  $60 + shipping for approx. 12
lbs. (media mail) for the lot.  No PayPal.
Pat K9HF

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