[Boatanchors] Random Find: Possible Toy for the New Year?

William w_b_morton at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 1 11:25:37 EST 2015

Hello All,

Looking around for parts for my next project and came across this:  http://www.ebay.com/itm/Test-Set-Semiconductor-Device-TS-2417-ALM-62-BY-MCDONNELL-2032-steampunk-item-/201249862227?pt=BI_Books_Manuals&hash=item2edb6d3253

Have not found anything on the web as to what specific purpose it had, but looks kinda fun.  The nameplate mentions 'countermeasures'.  No bids yet, and tempted to gamble $32 just to see what's inside.   

Best Regards,


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