[Boatanchors] Looking for Mystery Collins Transformer Specs

William Morton w_b_morton at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 3 09:59:28 EDT 2016

Hello All,

I saw a homemade power supply at an estate sale having a huge Collins power transformer.  Unfortunately most of the identifying label/decal was missing from the top.  Of what appeared to be the part number, only the following was legible:

672 - _ _ 4 - 00

The two missing characters could be '00' or 'C0' or maybe something else.  I suppose it could be missing a character on the right side as well.

The transformer is potted with rounded edges, weighs an estimated 25-30 pounds, roughly 6" square footprint and maybe 7" tall.  I could not see the number of terminals underneath as there were too many wires and other components present.  The two oil capacitors on the chassis were rated at 1000V, so I wonder if this is a plate power transformer.

I looked around the web for 672-004-00 with no luck.  Perhaps someone out there can shed some light on this.  

Thanks in advance for your help and have a great day.

Best Regards,


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