[Boatanchors] Fwd: Re: NEW estate list - more coming I'm sure

Wilson Lamb infomet at embarqmail.com
Wed Aug 16 20:54:25 EDT 2017

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Wilson Lamb <infomet at embarqmail.com>
To: RAY FRIESS <rayfrijr at msn.com>
Sent: Wed, 16 Aug 2017 20:53:13 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [Boatanchors] NEW estate list -  more coming I'm sure

Yet another warning to us all to clean up the stuff while we can!
I'm fighting myself daily to weed out.  It's hard to admit that almost no one wants the big transformers or obsolete tubes I've taken care of for decades!
IMHO, if she can get 50% of current value from someone who will haul it ALL away she's doing OK.
Lots of it heavy and much of it has a very limited market.  How many hams do you know who know how to, want to, and have the time to nurse a Valiant into service?
Fun, sure, if you want it, recycling material if you don't.
The RS RXs are good SWL material, Grundigs too.  Good Ebay stuff, if someone has the energy to list it.
Perhaps advertising widely in the region and having an open house would shake out buyers?
I wish her well; you too,

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