[Boatanchors] Have any of  you  heard of ebay taking ww1 and 2 stuff and selling to a broker as it has been refused entry by the uk or other country? it happened to me With a  WW1  Mk3  Tuner...    the  ebay  person that  resells  stuff  for  them  even used our l

ED SHARPE couryhouse at aol.com
Sun May 12 19:31:08 EDT 2019

Have any of  you  heard of ebay taking ww1 and 2 stuff and selling to a broker as it has been refused entry by the uk or other country? it happened to me With a  WW1  Mk3  Tuner...    the  ebay  person that  resells  stuff  for  them  even used our listing complete  with my spelling errors!   Something is amiss here...   How  weird  refused  back to  country of  origin? Ed#  

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