[Boatanchors] Question for Eimac 4-65A Tube
howard holden
holden7471 at msn.com
Sat Nov 7 16:29:42 EST 2020
Shouldn’t be an issue. Just observe the 6.0VAC rating. Running it from a 6.3V trans may not give you the internal transformer drop you need to be at 6.0V. If need be put a very low value 0.1 ohm, 5 watts or more in series. But check the actual voltage you get with your supply.
73 Howie WB2AWQ
Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 7, 2020, at 10:51, William Morton <w_b_morton at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> My son and I have a question regarding firing up the filament of a 4-65A tube with no connection to the grid or plate (and no plate cap heat sink, either): If we light up the filament and leave it glowing for a long time, is there any danger to the tube? It would be akin to using it as a nightlight (which we are not). By a 'long time', let's say 5 hours.
> Thanks in advance for any comments.
> Best Regards,
> William, and Son
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