[Boatanchors] Heath HR-20 and HX-20 "Twins" available

Ken, W8EK kenw8ek at gmail.com
Mon Nov 28 19:05:24 EST 2022

Heath HR-20 and HX-20 "Twins" Available:

The Heath HR-20 and HX-20 are the successors to the Heath Comanche and 
Cheyenne rigs from the 1960's.  These were the rigs that were normally 
stacked one above the other for mobile use when cars were larger.

This pair has not been restored in any way.  They came from a silents 
key's shack, that really was a shack.  They are offered to someone who 
would like to restore them, or maybe just look at them for nostalgia. 
They definitely do not work!

They are heavy, and not worth shipping.  That means pick up in the 
Ocala FL area.

The proceeds go to our radio club scholarship fund.  I am not putting 
a price on these.  When you pick them up, you decide how much you 
would like to contribute to the scholarship fund.



Ken, W8EK

Ken Simpson
E-mail to W8EK at FLHam.net or W8EK at arrl.net
Voice Phone  (352) 732-8400


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