[Boatanchors] Classic Exchange CW Winter 2023

howard holden holden7471 at msn.com
Sat Feb 25 10:05:38 EST 2023

The CW Classic Exchange is Sunday Mar 5 1400Z to Mar 6 0800Z and Tuesday Mar 7 1400Z to March 8 0800Z

The CX is a no-pressure contest celebrating the older commercial and Home Brew equipment that was the pride and joy of ham shacks many decades ago. The object is to encourage restoration, operation and enjoyment of this older Classic equipment. You need not operate a Classic rig to participate in the CX. You may use any rig in the contest although new gear is a distinct scoring disadvantage as your multipliers are directly related to the age of the equipment you use! However, you can still work the "great ones" with modern equipment. There are two (2) entry categories per mode:
►Three or fewer receiver-transmitter pairs
►Four or more receiver-transmitter pairs.

There is no bonus for this season’s CX.

This year, the CW event was timed to coincide with the Novice Rig Roundup, so there should be lots of activity both days.  We can give each other points in both events.

Suggested CW frequencies in Mhz +/- QRM:
160M 1.810        80M 3.545           40M 7.045 and 7.100 – 7.125      20M 14.045         15M 21.045
10M 28.045         6M 50.095          2M 144.100
Listen up and down for stations using crystal control.

Full details at: http://classicexchange.org/announcments/CX_Rules.pdf
Questions? Contact Mark K3MSB e-mail: myscupper at gmail.com<mailto:myscupper at gmail.com>
Or Ron K2RP e-mail: Ron k2rp at arrl.net<mailto:k2rp at arrl.net>
Or contact me!
73, Howie WB2AWQ/7
WB2AWQ at ARRL.net<mailto:WB2AWQ at ARRL.net>

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