[Boatanchors] AN/GRR-5 Receiver Power Supply Problems

Dave Hollander n7rk at cox.net
Mon May 22 22:24:46 EDT 2023

My AN/GRR-5  which I got at age 12 in 1964 has stopped working. The 
vibrators are OK so I am suspecting the selenium rectifiers.

Has anyone changed these out and what silicon rectifiers did you use?

This radio was a gift to me from my cousin W6COJ who was in Air Force 
MARS at the time. It was brand new and came with the canvas accessory
bag full of goodies. Really neat radio. I sold it in 1978 to a collector 
here in Phoenix. He had it for sale at a hamfest in 2003 and I bought it 
back. It was still in excellent condition. How did I know it was mine/ I 
still had the Beatle'sYellow Submarine stickers I put on it when I was 
high school.

Any help would be appreciated.

Tne es 73,

Dave N7RK

Dave Hollander N7RK
Arizona Tube Supply

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