Sure looks like the Hallicrafters logo to me.
<P>Al Waschka wrote:
<BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE> OK so I can't read the instructions.
<P>I have attached my version of the logo. Look familiar? I
only spent about 5 minutes undoctoring it.
<P><IMG SRC="cid:part1.35F4FDF0.9ABB8C5A@mindspring.com" HEIGHT=175 WIDTH=145>
<P>Bruce Sugarberg wrote:
<BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE>Please respond to John, not to me.
<P> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
<P>Subject: Who used this logo?
<BR>Date: 2 Sep 1998 04:24:19 GMT
<BR>From: PEYK47A@prodigy.com (John Ritter)
<BR>Organization: Prodigy Services Company 1-800-PRODIGY
<BR>Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.boatanchors
<P>Does anyone know which receiver manufacturer used this logo:
<P> [Image]</BLOCKQUOTE>