[cisco-bba] SSG questions

Murali Kolli mkolli at cisco.com
Mon Aug 25 16:50:02 EDT 2003

Hi Ash:

Most of the SSG functionality that doesn't require user interaction
can be used without SESM.

But going forward, user interaction will be key for activating
dynamic services and SESM will play a key role in that solution.



>Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 09:17:05 +1000
>From: Ash Garg <ash at telstra.net>
>To: 'Anastassios Chatzithomaoglou' <achatz at forthnet.gr>
>Cc: cisco-bba at puck.nether.net
>Subject: RE: [cisco-bba] SSG questions
>We are also playing around with this software and up to now we haven't need
>the SESM. Our network is as follows:
>          ATM                    ETH            ETH
>LAC <---------> Router1(SSG) <-------> Cloud <---+---> Radius
>The SSG (7206) quite successfully terminates calls both from Dial and DSL.
>Upto now we have been able to use the SSG with most of its functionality
>without the SESM (QOS, Basic Service Selection, Open Garden etc). There are
>some features that we are tyring to implement in which we may end up using
>the SESM (Packet Of Disconnect). We tried talking Cisco into make a public
>API for the SSG for these selected features and as you guessed, it fell on
>deaf ears.
>                                            \\\|||///
>                                           \\  ^ ^  //
>                                            (  6 6  )
>Ash Garg                             5/490 Northbourne Ave
>Network Specialist                   DICKSON 2602
>Internet Network Development
>Email: <<mailto:Ash.Garg at telstra.net>>
>BH:  +612 6208 1994
>Mob: 0408 687 642
>Fax: +612 6248 6165
>The best way to publicize a governmental or political
>action is to attempt to hide it. -Mark B. Cohen
>-----Original Message-----
>From: cisco-bba-bounces at puck.nether.net
>[mailto:cisco-bba-bounces at puck.nether.net]On Behalf Of Rohit Aggarwal
>Sent: Saturday, 23 August 2003 1:26 AM
>To: 'Anastassios Chatzithomaoglou'; cisco-bba at puck.nether.net
>Subject: RE: [cisco-bba] SSG questions
>Hello Anastassios
>Some answers.
>1. Can the above scenario work?
>2. Does ALL the traffic from NAS has to pass from the SSG router in
>order to "filter" it?  YES
>  3. Does the SSG router need a radius server in order to function?
>  4. Does the SESM application need a radius server in order to function?
>Contact me if you need more info.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: cisco-bba-bounces at puck.nether.net
>[mailto:cisco-bba-bounces at puck.nether.net] On Behalf Of Anastassios
>Sent: Friday, August 22, 2003 5:15 AM
>To: cisco-bba at puck.nether.net
>Subject: [cisco-bba] SSG questions
>We got some demo equipment from Cisco in order to test SSG
>functionality. Although i have read everything i found on CCO, i still
>have some questions.
>Suppose we are trying to make the following scenario.
>          ETH                ETH               ETH
>NAS <---------> Router1 <-------> Router2 <---+---> SESM
>                                                +---> Radius
>Router1 (7200) is supposed to run SSG, and NAS (53x0) is supposed to
>accept isdn calls.
>Questions now:
>1. Can the above scenario work?
>2. Does ALL the traffic from NAS has to pass from the SSG router in
>order to "filter" it? 3. Does the SSG router need a radius server in
>order to function? 4. Does the SESM application need a radius server in
>order to function?
>     Chatzithomaoglou Anastasios
>Network Design & Operations Center
>            FORTHnet S.A.
>        <achatz at forthnet.gr>

Murali K. Kolli
Product Manager, SSG/Subscriber Edge in IOS
Ph: 408-526-5228

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