[cisco-bba] 7200 NPE-G1 max l2tp session?

Ash Garg ash at telstra.net
Tue Nov 4 17:12:09 EST 2003


In my testing however I was able to load up to 7500 sessions across 4
tunnels with out a problem (other things in the lab limited me going
further). IMHO the number of tunnels (ie the l2tp overhead) or the number of
sessions (the PPP overhead) did not make much difference rather it seem to
be a data throughput issue.

IE if you want more data/session then reduce the total number of sessions on
the router. I reckon that the limit is around 100Mbits per NPE-G1 for a cpu
of 80-90%.


-----Original Message-----
From: cisco-bba-bounces at puck.nether.net
[mailto:cisco-bba-bounces at puck.nether.net]On Behalf Of Matyas Szilard
Sent: Monday, 3 November 2003 9:13 PM
To: cisco-bba at puck.nether.net
Subject: [cisco-bba] 7200 NPE-G1 max l2tp session?


Theoretically, the npe-g1 could terminate 16000 session. If somebody
terminate a large number of sessions please write me his
experience.....(tunnel num, session, num, cpu load, mem usage etc....)

Thanks everyobody in advance!


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