[cisco-bba] MGX NOG needed

Devendra Vyas coolasafool at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 08:49:33 EDT 2005


I have currently started on a new job and my work revolves around cisco MGX.

I have an operations background and lot of similar operations related
questions are troubling me wrt to the MGX Box--

Can experienced folks point me to cheatsheet, useful docs for
MGX(apart from cisco site--which imho is not VERY helpful for MGX) or
recommend me a good book to buy (apart from the cisco press book which
from its TOC looks unimpressive:-)) )

0. S/W & hardware architecture
1. Card software upgrade process
2.Card replacement process
3. troubleshooting Harddisk problems
4.Environmental alarms
5.Logging events and checking the logs.
6.Common problems and caveats.
7. Alarms and general troubleshooting practices--common commands for
monitoring errors, interface status, loop tests, resettting ports,
resetting cards/slots.
8. self tests / diag tests enabling ,disabling.
9.recovery from config failures
10.config quick start
11. different cards and their configuration---and spl commands for
these cards....
12. bootmode/rommon mode(?) problems, startup problems.

in short a N/W Ops guide for MGX.......i doubt such a one exists at cisco site.

txs in advance..

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