[cisco-bba] Bug CSCsi11553 ( was Support for "percent" directive in per-session QoS)

David Freedman david.freedman at uk.clara.net
Thu Jan 10 14:43:07 EST 2008

Hash: SHA1

By the way, when I try using a percentage on the shaper I get:

Jan 10 19:28:13 GMT: %SW_MGR-3-CM_ERROR_FEATURE_CLASS: Connection
Manager Feature Error: Class SSS: (QoS) - install error, ignore.
- -Traceback= 60EC25AC 60ED271C 626D0F88 626D1048 60ED29A4 60ED2B8C
60ED2F60 60EC0FD8 60EC1320 60EC1410 60EBCEC4 60EBD2E0

Doesn't let me use "shape average percent" , this is 12.2(32)SB10,
I suspect this has been known about for some time in bug CSCsi11553,
but like most of SB, nothing seems to have been done about it,

Ben, I guess you are using 12.4 and are not affected by this.

Seems to work fine with a static shaper and percentage based LLQ map...


Ben Steele wrote:
| They sure are, they will just reference the bandwidth you specify in
| your radius av-pair, so if you set priority percent 10 to a class you
| have put 435Kb in radius for it will give up to 43Kb of LLQ to that
| class, that radius bandwidth statement is like the equivalent of a
| bandwidth statement under a normal physical interface, it now becomes
| the global bandwidth for that virtual-interface that the router
| recognises, you just have to make sure you do shape it properly though
| otherwise your QoS won't be very affective.
| Cheers
| David Freedman wrote:
|> Thats great, the percentage I was referring to though was in the LLQ
|> (as in priority percent and bandwidth percent) are these possible?
|> Dave.
|> ------------------------------------------------
|> David Freedman
|> Group Network Engineering
|> Claranet Limited
|> http://www.clara.net
|> -----Original Message-----
|> From: Ben Steele [mailto:ben at internode.com.au]
|> Sent: Wed 1/9/2008 23:53
|> To: David Freedman
|> Cc: cisco-nas at puck.nether.net; cisco-bba at puck.nether.net
|> Subject: Re: [cisco-nas] Support for "percent" directive in
|> per-session QoS
|> You specify your bandwidth via a radius av-pair, say for example you
|> have a 512kb downstream ADSL service landing on your LNS you would have
|> a line like:
|> cisco-avpair = "lcp:interface-config#1=bandwidth 435"     (435kb
|> allowing for a 15% dsl overhead)
|> cisco-avpair = "lcp:interface-config#2=service-policy output SHAPED-QOS"
|> Then using the shape average percent command the LNS would shape the
|> user to that speed, you can then apply your actual QoS policy under
|> that, like so:
|> policy-map SHAPED-QOS
|>  class class-default
|>   shape average percent 100 50 ms
|>   service-policy QOS
|> This would apply the policy "QOS" to the shaped interface, I hope that
|> is what you were after, and yes it does work quite well with
|> priority(LLQ), the most important thing is to shape it to the correct
|> speed, when the link is being saturated and you do a "sh policy-map int
|> xx" you want to see it reporting that it is being shaped.
|> Cheers
|> Ben
|> David Freedman wrote:
|> > _______________________________________________
|> > cisco-nas mailing list
|> > cisco-nas at puck.nether.net
|> > https://puck.nether.net/mailman/listinfo/cisco-nas
|> >

- --
David Freedman
Group Network Engineering
Claranet Limited
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