[cisco-bba] Can't connect with PPPoA for ATM to Eth Migration

Andy Saykao andy.saykao at staff.netspace.net.au
Tue Oct 27 22:22:35 EDT 2009

Hi All,
We're moving customers from ATM to Ethernet and we have two customers
that are using PPPoX to connect.
customer modem ---phone line---> [ 3rd Party Provider ] --- ethernet
---> [Our Network] ---> agr1
I migrated my test connection from ATM to Ethernet to make sure PPPoX
connections could be established but can't connect when I use PPPoA.
Works great with PPPoE. This makes me nervous because I'm not sure if
customer xxx will be able to connect.
agr1#sh users
   Interface    User               Mode         Idle     Peer Address
  Vi1.1        xxx at adsl PPPoATM      00:00:00 A.B.C.D
  Vi3.1        yyy at adsl  PPPoE        00:00:21 A.B.C.E
Customer  xxx is using PPPoA and customer yyyy is using PPPoE. 
Their ATM config on the agr1 router is like so:
bba-group pppoe global
 virtual-template 1
interface ATM1/0.302935 point-to-point
 description Customer yyy / pppoe
 bandwidth 4000
 ip flow ingress
 no atm enable-ilmi-trap
 pvc 10/158
  ubr 4096
  encapsulation aal5snap
  protocol ppp Virtual-Template1
  protocol pppoe
interface ATM1/0.301707 point-to-point
 description Customer xxx / pppoa
 bandwidth 2048
 ip flow ingress
 no atm enable-ilmi-trap
 pvc 10/111
  ubr 2048
  oam-pvc manage
  oam retry 3 3 10
  encapsulation aal5snap
  protocol ppp Virtual-Template1

The configuration is pretty straightforward for my test connection on
the ethernet sub-interface of our agr1 router.
interface GigabitEthernet0/1.350
 description PPPoX Test
 encapsulation dot1Q 350
 ip flow ingress
 pppoe enable group global
Do I need to do configure something else either on the ethernet
sub-interface or globally to allow PPPoA connections to be established?
Or is this something that needs to be done on our 3rd Party Provider's


Andy Saykao
Systems Administrator
Netspace Online Systems Pty Ltd
Phone : 03 9811 0049
Mobile : 0401 422 406
Fax     : 03 9811 0044
E-Mail : andy.saykao at staff.netspace.net.au
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