Hi all<br>we are using cisco 10k BRAS (Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28) ) for terminating PPPoEQinQ subscribers. cisco says that " <span class="content">For 802.1Q tunneling (QinQ), the NAS-port-id f</span><span class="content">ormat should be outer vlan-tag:inner vlan-tag. (Prior to Release 12.2(31)SB2, Cisco IOS software supports inner vlan-tag:outer vlan-tag)." also for other reasons we upgraded to the latest one witch is c10k2-p11-mz.122-31.SB5.bin but the subscibers were unable to browse <br><br>note : we use cisco4507 switch for aggregating ip dslam <br> <br>any idea <br><br></span><p> 
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