[cisco-nas] Call statistics options?

Michel Lanners michel.lanners at Cetrel.LU
Mon Mar 31 14:46:50 EST 2003

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Hi all,

What are the options to get call statistics out of an AS5400? We're
interested in some call parameters like call duration, called number,
maybe bytes in/out.

So far I've seen these options:

- syslog: modem call records. I don't like this, because it fills my
syslog files, and I need to extract the calls with some scripts from
the other syslog messages (syslog-ng is not an option).

- calltracker SNMP traps: I've not been able to get these working (IOS
is c5400-is-mz.122-2.XB10). Is this a known bug? Otherwise, once it
works, this seems to be a viable option.

- Tacacs/Radius: we have a tacacs server, but I am not sure it will
handle the load very well. We're looking at some 60000 calls a day.
Although, it stays below 10 calls/sec.... The good part is it's the
open-source Tacacs+ daemon so I could modify the source to log the
format & details I want only.

Anything I am overlooking? Any comments about the above?

Cheers, and thanks



Michel Lanners              | "Being able to break security
PRO-SSC                     |  doesn't make you a hacker
michel.lanners at cetrel.lu    |  more than being able to hotwire cars
Cetrel S.C.                 |  makes you an automotive engineer."
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