[cisco-nas] FW: Problems with creating Virtual-Access interfaces
Andris Zarins
andris.zarins at microlink.lv
Tue Aug 31 06:25:32 EDT 2004
I've got a task to implement a dial-in access to VRF on Cisco router
(3640). Scheme is almost trivial - client (Cisco router, for example
2500 series) dials-in using ISDN to Cisco NAS 3640 (12.3(8) T3 - TELCO).
Then RADIUS authentication and authorization is performed, and there
should be created virtual-access interface dynamically with
configuration received from RADIUS server. Everything seems OK - user
dials-in, authenticates himself, RADIUS sends Vaccess i-faces
configuration (tried debugging - OK) , but no Virtual-Access interfaces
are created. Instead of this ISDN channels get bind to DialerProfile and
there is no per-user configuration. I tried to downgrade IOS code to
12.0 - using this version and exactly the same NAS configuration,
VAccess interfaces are created, but there are problems with RADIUS - AAA
messages are denied by error "decrypt failed" (I believe this is another
story, not connected this this VAccess issue).
Question is - why there are no Virtual-Access interfaces using IOS 12.3?
Am I missing some required configuration? In 12.0 there is a command
"virtual-profile aaa", but it is deprecated since 12.2, and it should
work without it.
Here is RADIUS profile:
cisco-avpair = "lcp:interface-config=ip vrf forwarding test"
cisco-avpair = "lcp:interface-config=ip unnumbered loopback 1"
cisco-avpair = "lcp:interface-config=encapsulation ppp"
Framed-Protocol = PPP
Framed-Routing = None
Service-Type = Framed-User
Here is config of 3640 Cisco NAS (there is also a analogue dial-in using
MICA modem pool, but I believe this has nothing to do with VAccess
Version 12.3
no service pad
service tcp-keepalives-in
service tcp-keepalives-out
service timestamps debug datetime
service timestamps log datetime
hostname man-gw
logging buffered 100000 debugging
username andris password 0 cisco
memory-size iomem 15
aaa new-model
aaa group server radius radiuz
server x.x.x.x auth-port xxx acct-port xxx
aaa authentication login default line
aaa authentication login modem local
aaa authentication login telnet line
aaa authentication login no-auth none
aaa authentication ppp default local group radius
aaa authentication ppp modem group radius
aaa authorization network default local group radius
aaa accounting network default start-stop group radius
aaa session-id common
ip subnet-zero
ip tcp path-mtu-discovery
ip cef
ip vrf test
rd 77:77
route-target export 77:77
route-target import 77:77
virtual-profile if-needed
virtual-profile virtual-template 8
isdn switch-type primary-net5
controller E1 2/0
framing NO-CRC4
pri-group timeslots 1-31
interface Loopback1
ip address
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address x.x.x.x x.x.x.x.
no ip redirects
no ip unreachables
ip nat inside
ip virtual-reassembly
duplex auto
speed auto
no cdp enable
interface Serial2/0:15
no ip address
no ip redirects
no ip unreachables
encapsulation ppp
dialer pool-member 1
isdn switch-type primary-net5
isdn incoming-voice modem
no cdp enable
ppp authentication chap callin
ppp multilink
interface Virtual-Template8
description test
ip unnumbered Loopback1
ppp authentication chap callin
ppp multilink
interface Dialer2
ip vrf forwarding test
ip unnumbered Loopback1
no ip redirects
no ip unreachables
encapsulation ppp
ip ospf demand-circuit
dialer pool 1
dialer idle-timeout 10 either
dialer string xxxxxxx
dialer-group 1
peer default ip address pool vrft
no cdp enable
ppp authentication chap callin
ppp multilink
interface Group-Async1
description Dial-in modem pool
ip unnumbered FastEthernet0/0
no ip redirects
no ip unreachables
no ip proxy-arp
encapsulation ppp
no ip route-cache cef
no ip route-cache
ip tcp header-compression
no ip mroute-cache
dialer in-band
dialer idle-timeout 9000
dialer-group 1
async mode dedicated
peer default ip address pool modem
no fair-queue
ppp authentication chap modem
group-range 33 56
router ospf 1
router-id x.x.x.x.
redistribute connected subnets
network x.x.x.x x.x.x.x area 2
network x.x.x.x x.x.x.x area
ip local pool modem x.x.x.x x.x.x.x
ip local pool isdn x.x.x.x x.x.x.x
ip local pool vrft
no ip http server
ip classless
logging trap debugging
dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit
snmp-server engineID local 0000000902000004274CFB00
snmp-server view cutdown internet included
snmp-server view cutdown ip.21 excluded
snmp-server community public RO 10
snmp-server enable traps tty
no cdp run
route-map isdn permit 10
match ip address 2
radius-server host auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
radius-server retransmit 10
radius-server timeout 2
radius-server key 7 15081E07172F272D3B64
radius-server vsa send accounting
radius-server vsa send authentication
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