<br><br>Dear All,
<br>Every time configuring the CE570 device then copy running startup
then reload the device i found that the configuration restored to the
old status and all new configurations lost i feel that the
configuration file bypassed so anybody can advice:<br><br>303949 bytes<br>copying bootagent<br>boot start: 0x17fee000<br>starting new system - entry 0x8010<br><br><br><br>Press any key to stop auto-boot...<br> 0<br>auto-booting...
<br><br><br> boot device (flash,net) [ flash]: <br> flags [ 0x4000]: <br><br>Starting at 0x108000...<br><br>#!ImageInfo<br>#<br># +--------------------+<br># | CISCO CE image |
<br># +--------------------+<br>#<br>SUPPORTED_PRODUCTS=CE570<br>UNCOMPRESSED_CKSUM=0xcdee44b8<br>UNCOMPRESSED_SIZE=0x362aa0<br>COMPRESSED_CKSUM=0xcf5d618c<br>COMPRESSED_SIZE=0x16d013<br>#<br><br>Self decompressing the image : ############################################################################################################# [OK]
<br>Launching the image, please wait...<br>..................<br>Console IO Initialized<br>Host Name: bootHost <br>User: admin <br>Attaching network interface lo0... done.<br><br> Restricted Rights Legend<br>
<br>Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is<br>subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph<br>(c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted<br>Rights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 and subparagraph
<br>(c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer<br>Software clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013.<br><br> Cisco Systems, Inc.<br> 170 West Tasman Drive<br> San Jose, California 95134-1706
<br><br>Cisco Cache Engine<br>Copyright (c) 1986-2001 by Cisco Systems, Inc.<br>Software Release: CE ver 2.51 (Build: FCS 05/24/01)<br>Compiled: 15:00:20 May 24 2001 by bbalagot<br>Image text-base 0x108000, data_base 0x4424module_register_init name sym func 0x1edda8 data 0x458f24
<br>ccompat_pci_handler: sym probing...<br> 895: found<br>4<br> sym0: No NVRAM, ID 7, Fast-40, LVD, parity checking<br><br>System restarted by Reload<br>The system has been up for 8 seconds.<br>System booted from "flash"
<br><br><br>SVCINIT - phase complete<br> 895: attached unit 0<br>Waiting 2 seconds for SCSI devices to settle<br>da0 at sym0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0<br>da0: <QUANTUM ATLAS_V_18_SCA 0230> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-3 device
<br>da0: 80.000MB/s transfers (40.000MHz, offset 31, 16bit), Tagged Queueing Enabled<br>da0: 17510MB (35861388 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 2232C)<br>da1 at sym0 bus 0 target 1 lun 0<br>da1: <QUANTUM ATLAS_V_18_SCA 0230> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-3 device
<br>da1: 80.000MB/s transfers (40.000MHz, offset 31, 16bit), Tagged Queueing Enabled<br>da1: 17510MB (35861388 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 2232C)<br>SCSI initialization complete<br>DEVINIT - phase complete<br>FSINIT - phase complete
<br>Bypassing NVRAM Configuration...<br>----------------------------------------------------------------------<br>"admin" super-user account is NOT password protected<br>SECURITY ALERT: Please password protect the above super-user accounts!
<br>----------------------------------------------------------------------<br>CONF - phase complete<br>get_our_ip_broadcast_address: ifMaskGet failed!<br>NTP: Waiting (2 minutes) for network initialization<br>SNMP: Waiting (2 minutes) for network initialization
<br>Tue May 30 00:53:01 2006: * Warning *: No ip name-servers have been configured<br> http incoming proxy, http object url-validation and dns-cache<br> require an ip name-server<br>START - phase complete<br>cepro#<br>cepro#lls
<br> size date time name LongName <br>---------- ------- ------ ----------- ----------------<br> 2552152 Feb-16-2001 14:18:00 CE570-~1.PAX ce570-220.pax
<br> 512 Feb-16-2001 14:18:02 ETC <DIR> etc<br> 512 Feb-16-2001 14:18:02 LIB <DIR> lib<br> 1386280 Feb-16-2001 14:18:10 CE570-~1.BIN ce570-220.bin<br> 512 Feb-16-2001 14:58:34 TFTPBOOT <DIR> tftpboot
<br> 512 Feb-16-2001 14:58:34 VAR <DIR> var<br> 0 Feb-11-2002 04:03:34 CE-570~1.PAX ce-570-cache-251.pax<br> 2722321 Feb-11-2002 04:04:58 CE570-~2.PAX ce570-cache-251.pax
<br> 1508832 Feb-11-2002 04:05:14 CE570-~2.BIN ce570-251bcFCS.bin<br> 4 DIR(S), 5 FILE(S) 8169585 bytes<br> 1973682176 bytes AVAILABLE ON VOLUME /c0t0d0s1<br>cepro#<br>cepro#<br>cepro#lls /local/etc/bot
<br>cepro#lls /local/etc/boo<br>cepro#lls /local/etc/boot<br> size date time name LongName <br>---------- ------- ------ ----------- ----------------<br> 512 Feb-16-2001 14:18:02 . <DIR> .
<br> 512 Feb-16-2001 14:18:02 .. <DIR> ..<br> 512 May-30-2006 00:37:10 NVRAM <DIR> NVRAM<br> 345 May-30-2006 00:44:02 CONFIG~1.TCL configure.tcl<br> 3636 May-30-2006 00:44:04 CONFIG~2.TCL configure_local.tcl
<br> 357 May-30-2006 00:44:04 INIT.TCL init.tcl<br> 249 May-30-2006 00:44:04 START.TCL start.tcl<br> 3 DIR(S), 4 FILE(S) 4587 bytes<br> 1973682176 bytes AVAILABLE ON VOLUME /c0t0d0s1
<br>cepro#lls /local/etc/boot <br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Best Reagrds,<br>Mounir Mohamed