[nsp] Not using "redist sta sub" in OSPF
Daniska Tomas
Fri, 9 Aug 2002 12:02:54 +0200
usually the confusion comes from the difference of the 'network x.x.x.x'
command meaning in routing protocols. i mean:
- in bgp, it means 'originate this PREFIX if present in the routing
table' (of course if other conditions are met - like synchronization
etc.). that means, _directly_ triggering announcements. it applies to
ANY routes (connected, static, dynamic from igp's etc.)
- in ospf, it means 'activate ospf on all interfaces whose ip addressess
comply to this WILDCARD'. this turns on hello's etc but also makes the
router advertising this as the ospf router link - thus _indirectly_
triggering the announcements. it applies to CONNECTED routes only (so
even if a static route complies to the wildcard it is not originated by
the 'network' command)
- etc for other routing protocols
- so as ryan said, use controlled 'redistribute static'
hope this helps
Tomas Daniska
systems engineer
Tronet Computer Networks
Plynarenska 5, 829 75 Bratislava, Slovakia
tel: +421 2 58224111, fax: +421 2 58224199
A transistor protected by a fast-acting fuse will protect the fuse by
blowing first.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ryan O'Connell [mailto:ryan@complicity.co.uk]=20
> Sent: 9. augusta 2002 11:49
> To: Mark Drayton; cisco-nsp@puck.nether.net
> Subject: Re: [nsp] Not using "redist sta sub" in OSPF
> On Fri, 9 Aug 2002 10:30:47 +0100 Mark Drayton=20
> <mark.drayton@izrsolutions.com> wrote:
> > I have a few static routes pointing at frame relay subifs=20
> that I'd like
> > to get into OSPF, without using "redist sta sub" as that=20
> redistributes
> > all the static routes I have.
> [snip]
> > I tried using "network area 0" but=20
> that doesn't
> > work (not a surprise after consulting documentation). Is=20
> there a better
> > way to do this?
> Use a route-map on the redistribute command, like this:
> router ospf 100
> redistribute static 1 subnets route-map static-to-ospf
> route-map static-to-ospf permit 10
> match ip address 1
> access-list 1 permit host
> --
> Ryan O'Connell - CCIE #8174
> <ryan@complicity.co.uk> - http://www.complicity.co.uk
> I'm not losing my mind, no I'm not changing my lines,
> I'm just learning new things with the passage of time
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