[nsp] MSFC2 128,000 route limitation
George Boulescu
Sat, 24 Aug 2002 08:41:45 +0300 (EEST)
Some weeks ago we wanted to have a full bgp table in an 6500 (we wanted to
test if it will cope with it after an 128-to-512 memory upgrade on the
The machine runs native IOS and has more de 30 bgp peering with a total of
around 7000 routes.
First we hit it with around 60000-70000 from a border router. The things
weren't fine but it was almost ok, meaning that we were going really low
on free memory on the SUP2, which had 128M. At the end of this proces we
had around 4-5Mbytes free on the SUP2.
My questions are:
- are the prefix-stats using memory from the SUP or from the MSFC ?
- is there any part-number for upgrading the memory on the SUP2 ?
- did anyone tried to install a 512M SODIMM (like the one on the MSFC2,
I think they are identical) in the SUP2 ?
- from the memory consuption point of view, which is using more memory -
the hybrid configuration or the native IOS configuration ?
- in this circumstances (with 128M on SUP2 and 512M on MSFC2) what should
I use if I really want to have the full bgp table ?
Thanks for your time.
George Boulescu
Senior Network Engineer
RoEduNet Bucharest NOC