[nsp] IP Message - %IP-3-DESTHOST:

Andrew W. Elble aweits@discipline.rit.edu
Mon, 4 Nov 2002 10:07:02 -0500

> Hello,
> We have been noticing this error the past couple of days:
> %IP-3-DESTHOST: src=[IP_address], dst=[IP_address], NULL desthost
> The only thing I can find on Cisco's Website is that an internal software
> error has occurred.  Has anyone seen this before and know why we are seeing
> this error all of a sudden?  We are using a 7206VXR with IOS 12.2(2)T4.

Hi Larry,

Could this be relevant to the situation?



Andrew W. Elble
Senior Network Engineer
Rochester Institute of Technology
PGP: BFAD 8461 4CCF DC95 DA2C B0EB 965B 082E 863E C912