[nsp] strange behavior (juniper to switch to switch to customer)
Jan Czmok
Wed, 27 Nov 2002 22:02:51 +0100
I have a strange issue:
i have a juniper m10 which is connected to a catalyst 4006 which is
connected to a 2950 switch and then to a customer.
What i would like to archieve:
on customer side: ethernet port untagged.
on our entry side of the 2950, tag the port with vlan 110
transport it over the 4006 to the juniper.
what does not work:
the above scenario :-( i can either the mac adresses but ping does not
the configuration:
description "VLAN 110";
vlan-id 110;
family inet {
address x.x.x.1/30;
WS-C4006 Software, Version NmpSW: 5.4(2)
Copyright (c) 1995-2000 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
NMP S/W compiled on Apr 7 2000, 17:05:03
GSP S/W compiled on Apr 07 2000, 15:17:58
Hardware Version: 1.3 Model: WS-C4006 Serial #: JAB050608LW
set vlan 666 3/48
set vlan 110 name VLAN110 type ethernet mtu 1500 said 100110 state active
set spantree disable 110
set port duplex 3/48 full
set trunk 3/48 on dot1q 1-2,110,666
no spanning-tree vlan 110
interface FastEthernet0/1
description Uplink to cat4006
switchport trunk native vlan 666
switchport mode trunk
duplex full
speed 100
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
description Customer
switchport access vlan 110
switchport mode access
any clue, why it DID NOT work ?
Jan Ahrent Czmok - Senior Network Engineer - Access Networks
Global Access Telecommunications, Inc. - Stephanstr. 3 - 60313 Frankfurt
voice: +49 69 299896-35 - fax: +49 69 299896-66 - email: czmok@gatel.de