[nsp] Bonding of Multiple ISDN B-Channels

Thomas Renzy thomas.renzy@veritas.com
Tue, 8 Oct 2002 22:40:03 -0400


Here is a configuration that I use with a 4 port BRI router on a Cisco 3640.

1) Create a dialer interface like the one below. This is where you will
actually put all the parameters for the BRI interfaces. < > indicates where
you should fill in the information

interface Dialer1
 description <Description Here>
 ip address <IP address> <Subnet Mask>
 encapsulation ppp
 dialer in-band
 dialer map ip <IP of router you are dialing> name <Name of router>
broadcast <Phone Number>
 dialer hold-queue 10
 dialer load-threshold 10 outbound
 dialer-group 1
 ppp authentication chap

The dialer load-threshold command tells the router that when it reaches
10/255 (3% traffic load if my math is correct) it will bring up the other
channel and the other BRI interfaces if configured on them. This is really
aggressive, but you can configure it to whatever you like. 

2) Now map the dial interface across your BRI interfaces

interface BRI1/0
 dialer rotary-group 1

interface BRI1/1
 dialer rotary-group 1

interface BRI1/3
 dialer rotary-group 1

interface BRI1/3
 dialer rotary-group 1

Hope this helps.

Thomas Renzy 
IS&T Global Network Services
VERITAS Software
Office: +650-527-4734
Mobile: +650-996-7048
Fax: +650-527-2034

"Some people drink from the fountain of knowledge, others just gargle." -
Author Robert Anthony

-----Original Message-----
From: Kerpal.Abdar [mailto:kerpal.abdar@earthlink.net]
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 6:08 AM
To: cisco@groupstudy.com
Cc: cisco-nsp@puck.nether.net
Subject: [nsp] Bonding of Multiple ISDN B-Channels

Hi.  Could anyone tell me what router / interface to use and what I would
to configure in order to bond up to 4 ISDN B-channels based on bandwidth

Sample configuration?



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