[nsp] NTP server in 800 Series routers

Richard Gallagher rgallagh@cisco.com
Wed, 25 Sep 2002 09:31:55 +0200

Victor Sudakov wrote:
> James Sneeringer wrote:
>>On Tue, Sep 24, 2002 at 01:45:26PM +0700, Victor Sudakov wrote:
>>| James Sneeringer wrote:
>>| > Judging from the release notes through IOS 12.2, the 800 series does
>>| > not support full NTP in any feature set.
>>| Should I believe you or Harold? :)
>>In Harold's defense, Feature Navigator specifically lists only the 805 and
>>806 with NTP support.  You mentioned you had an 805, but the command output
>>you showed us was from an 828.  Have you tested it on an 805?
> No, I have not. I have none at the moment, therefore I was asking
> here. We are planning to buy several 805 to connect remote workshops
> over V.35.

Just tested it for you - 805 is good for NTP:

IOS (tm) C805 Software (C805-Y6-MW), Version 12.2(12.6), MAINTENANCE INTERIM 
Cisco C805  (MPC850) processor (revision 0) with 44564K bytes of virtual memory.

Bean(config)#ntp ?
   access-group        Control NTP access
   authenticate        Authenticate time sources
   authentication-key  Authentication key for trusted time sources
   broadcastdelay      Estimated round-trip delay
   clock-period        Length of hardware clock tick
   master              Act as NTP master clock
   max-associations    Set maximum number of associations
   peer                Configure NTP peer
   server              Configure NTP server
   source              Configure interface for source address
   trusted-key         Key numbers for trusted time sources



>>| Sounds too complicated. What if I just enable "ip directed-broadcast"
>>| on the spoke router and make the hub router send NTP broadcasts to the
>>| remote net's broadcast address?
>>I suppose that would work.  Just be sure to prevent unauthorized hosts
>>from also sending directed broadcasts, otherwise you could end us being
>>used as a smurf amplifier.
> I believe an ACL applied to the "ip directed-broadcast" statement
> should suffice.
> Thanks a lot for responding.


#    _.|._.|._    | Richard Gallagher  | Direct: +32 2 704 5421    #
#  Cisco Systems  | CCIE #7211         | Email: rgallagh@cisco.com #