[nsp] Source for 1000Base-TX GBICs

Mikael Abrahamsson swmike at swm.pp.se
Thu Apr 17 07:38:00 EDT 2003

On Wed, 16 Apr 2003, Mike Carter wrote:

> I have heard Cisco is only branding Finisar and Agilent...I can't imagine
> Cisco having either perform custom runs to code "their" GBIC's...but nothing
> surprises me.  This is HEARSAY...a good source tho.  Any additional info
> would be appreciated.

I have it from a big distributor that Cisco is in the process of locking 
non-cisco gbics from use, especially Finisar ZX/LX70/LX100:s that they use 

Coding GBICs is nothing, both the GBIC and the SFPs have a small NVRAM 
that is reprogrammable. What we'll see is that as the switch manufacturers 
are trying to lock in their customers (as far as I know Extreme Networks 
and Cisco does this on SFPs) to buy their own branded very expensive 
optics, 3rd party manufacturers will offer Cisco/Extreme key:ed optics 
that'll work anyway.

What you should do is to hassle your SE:s and AM:s about this and refuse 
to buy their stuff unless they stop this silliness. I one could even go to 
the court and claim anti-trust/monopoly measures.

Why should I pay approx $4000 for a Cisco LX70/ZX when I can get an asian
3rd party one for $700 or less, or the same one from Finisar that
cisco/extreme bought originally, for approx $1000-1500 ?

A switch manufacturer that relies on making money off of their optics is 
using a flawed business model, and should get what's coming to them.

Mikael Abrahamsson    email: swmike at swm.pp.se

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