[nsp] multiple port monitoring - switch sought

Steve Francis steve at expertcity.com
Tue Dec 9 17:33:31 EST 2003

Gert Doering wrote:

>Are there (affordable) cisco switches that can do a SPAN from a single
>source to four different destinations ports?  With full GE line rate
>*and* capable of taking a ZX-GBIC?  In theory, the 4912G or 3550-12T
>should be able to do it, but I have none of them to test whether
>"single source port, 4 destination ports" SPAN is going to work.
The capture action on a VLAN ACL can put out the captured packets to as 
many ports as you like, I think.
So find the cheapest switch that supports VACLs, and that should be your 

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