[nsp] c6500-MSFC Recovery

Temkin, David temkin at sig.com
Sat Feb 8 15:40:33 EST 2003

or a "session module 15" if he's not on the console of the Cat

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Ryan O'Connell [SMTP:ryan-nsp at complicity.co.uk]
> Sent:	Saturday, February 08, 2003 2:57 PM
> To:	cisco-nsp at puck.nether.net
> Subject:	Re: [nsp] c6500-MSFC Recovery
> On Tue, 04 Feb 2003 15:03:10 +0100 Cisco Router <routermgmt at spray.se>
> wrote:
> > "A friend of ours" Has managed to enter a 'transport input none' on the
> > line vty 0 4 instead of on the line console 0, in one of our MSFC-2
> > routermodules on the C6509.
> > As the fine administrator he is he wrote "copy running startup", So no.
> > Reloading module 15 will not help.
> > 
> > Is there a way to break the bootsequence on the MSFC and in some way
> > exclude the reading of startup-config? Or has anyone a good tip of how
> > to "break into" the MSFC from the Switchconsole?
> Do "switch console" from the CatOS prompt - this will connect you to line
> con0 on the MSFC.
> -- 
>       Ryan O'Connell
> Mail: ryan at complicity.co.uk
>   CV: http://www.complicity.co.uk/ryancv.pdf
>       CCIE #8174
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