[nsp] VPN Trouble

Ryan O'Connell ryan-nsp at complicity.co.uk
Thu Jan 9 21:56:51 EST 2003

On 09 Jan 2003 18:55:54 -0300 Diego Costa <diego at ifxnw.com.uy> wrote:
> I have a customer (2 sites) connected with a vpn (tunnel gre) without
> encript. And when he want to transmit a big volume of information (for
> example a ls of a big directory) it gives timeout.
> I have 300ms between site A to B.
> Somebody has an idea that can be happening?

Try lowering the MTU on each end to see if that helps.

      Ryan O'Connell
Mail: ryan at complicity.co.uk
  CV: http://www.complicity.co.uk/ryancv.pdf
      CCIE #8174

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